Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Puppetry Class @ NTU (27-28 Nov10)

Discover The Power of Your 
Creative Potential

Strike a pose
It sure was quite a journey of traveling 'outside the box', past the boundaries of the ordinary... and into a world of untapped opportunities.

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. - Plato

 Course outline warned
"this course helps to awaken the eyes, ears and brain
 for optimal creativity".. ooo!
Beautifully facilitated by the master-puppeteers-
Gary Friedman (who had miraculously make paper talk) and
Sharon Gelber (who could move her body as fluid as water)

oops... who died??!!

A reflective moment

yearning for the creative spark...

"you fools...."

"Abandon me not..."

"I can tell your fortune"

An intimate moment

Somebody.... Help!

Copulating Chairs?

Gee... I am bored

Banging in the Dark

We are mostly nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play. - Heraclitus

The story teller watches her narrative enacted

As an ensemble, we enjoyed the creative process of learning to explore and expand new visions for our teaching and research!

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