- Creativity is wanting to know;
- Creativity is having a ball;
- Creativity is building sand castles;
- Creativity is singing in your own key;
- Creativity is shaking hands with the future.
These fun and joyful elements serve as timely reminders for us to return to our basics of looking at the child in us. Creativity has much to do with the freewheeling imagination that every child naturally embraces. Its like as we obseve a child busy at "work", we seem to notice how he/she can bring the intellectual, volitional and emotional functions into play all together! Rollo May (1975) believes that creative thinking represents one of the highest level of emotional health and is the expression of normal people experiencing the process of actualising themselves. Behold the "flow" of intense absorption and heightened consciousness!

Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly."
- Arnold Edinborough