Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tapping into Personal Creativity

Profiling surveys has provided me a deeper understanding on creativity- and how it is drawn from all areas of human consciousness.
For example,
  • MBTI: Extraverted Intuition with Feeling (ENFP): Allowed me to see how I relate spontaneously and flexibly with the outside world and enjoy using imagination and feelings to see new possiblities;.
  • Emergenetics: My bi-modal profile for social thinking (47%) and conceptual thinking (42%) allowed me to appreciate why my wife is God-sent with a perfect complementary profile of Structural thinking (63%) and analytical thinking (30%). Behaviourally, her firmness and level of assertivness synergises my animated expressiveness and open-minded flexibilty, and we usually make very balanced decisions together as a team. (Of course, you do recognise the potential for conflicts too!)

  • Foursight: My energy invest naturally as an ideator and developer-intuitive, global and conceptual in thoughts, which allows me to understand how I can best contribute to a team and the need to stay focused, apply affirmative judgement while keeping the novelty alive
I have recognised that creative processes are neither strictly cognitive nor are they wholly affective. An individual’s creativity often proceeds “intuitive leaps” precisely because it draws from the different faculties of ‘our mind and consciousness that are not wholly regulated by rational thought’ (Robinson, 2001, p154).

Creativity can be framed as an interactionist model- not a purely cognitive intellectual process, and that it may be enriched by other personal capacities or experiences and in particularly by feelings, intuition and by a imagination (Woodman & Schoenfeldt, 1999). Thus with a heightened awareness of my inner resources, abilities and limitations, I can then better develop my creative potential and inspire others to explore their inner search for creativity.


Robinson, K. (2001). Out of our minds: Learning to be creative. Oxford: Capstone

Woodman, R.W, Schoenfeldt, J.F. (1990), "An interactionist model of creative behavior", Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol. 24, pp.279-90.

1 comment:

eemiily said...

hi mr yeo!

emily ng here, from e1, form teacher michelle chan.. had.. yeo lik khian, li zhiliang,tricia, junio in the class, remember?

i'm a ENFP too =)

haha... strange ur webpage's create-TEETH - i'm almost thru yr 1 of 5 of dentistry!

well, in line with "creativity", here's my photo blog! http://photoe.aminus3.com

nice to "hear" from u again, via ur blog (via facebook lol)