My craze with APPLE.... I just (finally)bought myself a Mac Air- a dream come true. AND I can soon look forward to getting an I-phone too. But all these craze and crave for these two wonderful Apple creations goes beyond the yucky T word- Technology. I am not much of a Techie really. What struck me consistently of the products as well as the creator- Steve Jobs was really a about THE experience.
As I read about some of the highlights of Steve Job's presentation tips (http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/oct2009/sb2009106_706829.htm) I can't help but note some of the interesting pointers gleaned from the above website as well as the video of Carmine Gallo, author and communications coach (cool... but what exactly is that) who just published 'The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience' :
- Deliver MINDBLOWING keynote presentations... EVERYTIME!
- Power of EXPERIENCE- I quote "Steve Jobs does not sell computers; he sells an experience"
- Presentation skills can be coached in a STEP-BY-STEP format
- Create stunningly VISUAL presentations
- Its all about STORY-TELLING- and make them compelling
- The CEO Apple actually BRAINSTORMS and loves doing it on a white board
- Stick to the ONE thing I want people to remember- be consistent
- Avoid the least effective way to learn- NO BULLET POINTS! (opps... pardon me)
- Use IMAGES that speak volumes
- Identify an ENEMY and help people conquer that as a shared motivation
- Have fun with DEMOS- its neuroscientifically proven!
SO, if you have misgivings about the faults above, perhaps this is a baby step improvement...
Note: the above image was created in http://www.wordle.net/
As I read about some of the highlights of Steve Job's presentation tips (http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/oct2009/sb2009106_706829.htm) I can't help but note some of the interesting pointers gleaned from the above website as well as the video of Carmine Gallo, author and communications coach (cool... but what exactly is that) who just published 'The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience' :
- Deliver MINDBLOWING keynote presentations... EVERYTIME!
- Power of EXPERIENCE- I quote "Steve Jobs does not sell computers; he sells an experience"
- Presentation skills can be coached in a STEP-BY-STEP format
- Create stunningly VISUAL presentations
- Its all about STORY-TELLING- and make them compelling
- The CEO Apple actually BRAINSTORMS and loves doing it on a white board
- Stick to the ONE thing I want people to remember- be consistent
- Avoid the least effective way to learn- NO BULLET POINTS! (opps... pardon me)
- Use IMAGES that speak volumes
- Identify an ENEMY and help people conquer that as a shared motivation
- Have fun with DEMOS- its neuroscientifically proven!
SO, if you have misgivings about the faults above, perhaps this is a baby step improvement...
Note: the above image was created in http://www.wordle.net/
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