Tuesday, December 7, 2010

mORPm- Physical Theatre @ NIE 6th Dec10

Heightening awareness to:
A. Spaces (counter-points, symmetries, asymmetries, proximity, shapes, lines, focus)
B. Negative spaces
C. Complicity- when one contributes, others will support
D. Other bodies in space
E. Lights
F. Music/ Sound
G.Audience engagement

Being Focus-  Like how well a camera len is focussed, the outcome can only be as good as it gets.

Group awareness & spatial awareness

Use of the physical setting to create a context
Group sculptures in motion: constantly in a flux of transformation through tableaux
Violence of articulation

Interpretations- literal versus abstract
Amplifying meaning of actions on stage
 Ensemble Exiting- Use of space between actors and objects to create meaning

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